Sport Physiotherapy Canada meets Women’s Health Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association!
K-Taping® Academy techniques for Women’s Health have been created by Birgit Kumbrink of the K-Taping® International
Academy in Germany. The K-Taping® Gynaecology course has been taught in Europe for many years.

This month, K-Taping® Academy Canada instructorsLois Pohlod and Daysha Shuya, both Sport Physiotherapy Canada
Diploma holders, have introduced this successful K-Taping® for Women’s Health Course in Montreal and Calgary.
Positive changes were acknowledged during the course and we look forward to tracking results clinically as K-Taping®
Academy certified physiotherapists begin to use these techniques in the Women’s Health/Pelvic Health area.

For more information on courses offered through the K-Taping® Academy (Canada) visit

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